Motivation – A Study…The Start
Typically when any of these word tenses are used it implies a “Newness” factor. If that is in fact the case, then that signifies “Change”.
While most humans are all about NEW, there are many whom abhor CHANGE. After all, something NEW is viewed as BETTER, COOLER and more EXCITING. Whereas CHANGE signifies something that was in the works, or happening for a long time must STOP….VERY UNCOOL to most.
But why??!! If whatever IT is Changes won’t it be considered NEW? And if IT is now NEW aren’t the chances of it being BETTER, COOLER & more EXCITING greater than if IT remained the same?
I would propose that with some changes the first required change is the personal perspective on what is changing.
Okay, so back to The Start. In order to Start motion and / or action must come into play. And while a goal, completion and / or finish line may be the ultimate goal, that should NOT be the main focus at the Start. The first focus is beginning, moving toward the next step or milestone on the path then the next step and then the next and so forth and so on. Basically breaking down the Process of Change into smaller segments to simplify the task at hand to avoid becoming overwhelmed.
Usually when someone looks at the BIG GOAL all at once it conjures up a feeling that IT has to be achieved in one fell swoop. This perspective can cause Purpose Paralysis and spells FAILURE because the person feels doomed from the Start and therefore fails to Move.
A successful start on a Path to Newness begins with just that…mapping out a path to follow that breaks down the Process of Change into simplified segments and generates a sense of Easier (versus Harder). Don’t get me wrong, the Goal may require extreme effort to achieve, but when viewed in parts versus totality will avoid making IT seem insurmountable.
And if that doesn’t work, one can always rely on the saying that “It only takes 21 days to change a habit.”….Less than a month!! And there’s only 12 of those in 1 year!!! (See how to Break IT Down 😁 )
Step One – Take the First Step on the Path. Keep Moving toward Success and it will be that much closer to achieving!!!